VS code has a feature where if you type something close to the upper or lower bounds of the editors viewport, it auto scrolls vertically to bring the lines you just changed close to the center of the view port. I dislike this behaviour, especially near the bottom. It breaks my focus when im trying to test something and constantly have to relocate the piece of code on my screen. There is nothing in settings that mentions this behaviour and I could not find any forums that gave a solution.
I have already tried changing scrollBeyondTop. Padding.top and cursorSurroundingLines are both set to 0. A singular reddit post here mentioned setting the sticky scroll model to "indentationModel" and then setting max line count to 1. It worked, but now the top lines no longer show the scope of the function I am working on, something that I depended on to quickly navigate around in the function.
Why is the auto-scroll limit functionality even linked to sticky scroll? I understand they need to allocate space for the sticky scroll lines but why is that required at the bottom of the file as well? Is there a way to turn this off? or atleast set its limit to only scroll a single line when the cursor is about to go below the viewport?